On today’s show, Dr. Ben interviews Morley Robbins for First Mondays with Morley. They discussed things, including: unintended consequences of man-made prevention techniques, iron fortified foods that create low energy cells and allow disease to exist, bioavailable copper regulating iron, inaccurate measuring of iron present in the body, the vitamin D myth, structured water.
In this Episode, Dr. Ben interviews Steve Ingersoll. They discuss children with learning abilities and a better way to help educate them. They also...
On today’s show, Dr. Ben interviews Robert Carter, PhD, of Creation Ministries International. Together, their focus will be the discussion of creation vs. evolution....
Morley Robbins Part 7: On today’s show we continue with the “Magnesium Man”, Morley Robbins, about how too much iron and not enough magnesium...