In today's episode, Dr. Ben interviews Author, Ray Sturdivant. Ray speaks and trains in prophetic healing/deliverance and is a certified trainer with Prophetic Company on an international level. From Nepal to Sri Lanka to Africa to cities throughout the U.S. Ray has prayed for, and ministered to thousands of people over the years. Most with the theme of discovering true freedom. If you would like more information on Ray's ministry or would like to purchase his book, "Beating The Devil With His Own Stick" Click Here.
On today’s show, Dr. Ben interviews Barbara Loe Fisher from the National Vaccine Information Center ( Barbara begins by telling her story of how...
On today’s show, Dr. Ben visits with Pastor Cody Cochran with Bethel Assembly, Anson. You can find out more about Cody and his ministry...
On the show today we talked with Morley Robbins about: -acetaminophen’s role in mitochondrial dysfunction in relationship to vaccine injury -the role of the...